IT Fellows, LLC

Archive for September, 2023

How To Implement a Successful IT Automation Strategy

Business leaders are turning to IT automation to streamline many of their operations. While this advanced technology has benefits, there are specific ways to maximize success. Learn all about the advantages of ...

Ways To Protect Your Business and Make Social Media Safe for Your Company

Social media is used by everyone these days, even hackers. Hackers often try to steal your information from social media sites. Even though social media is a useful tool for businesses, it's ...

Beware of This Microsoft Teams Phishing Campaign

Many people trust the contacts in their Microsoft Teams profiles and may immediately click any link they receive from what they think is a trusted contact. Hackers can exploit this trust by ...

Effective Network Monitoring Techniques for Your Business

For your business to succeed, all departments must work to the best of their ability. Your IT network needs to operate the same way. That's where network monitoring comes in. Discover the ...

Businesses on Facebook Are Being Targeted by Password-Stealing Malware

With over two billion registered users, Facebook has become a target for advanced malware campaigns. These phishing campaigns steal unsuspecting users’ information. Businesses on Facebook are being targeted by password-stealing malware. What ...

Sensitive Information on Thousands of Companies Was Leaked

Sensitive information leaks can give cybercriminals access to bank account information, passwords, and other important data. Many companies, government agencies, and schools had to handle a dangerous situation. Learn more about this ...

Using Data Analytics to Drive Business Growth

In this day and age, collecting information has become super easy. Thanks to tech advances, businesses gather information from almost anything. The challenge is making sense of all the data. How ...

What You Need To Know About Apple’s Latest Security Update

Apple's latest security update is here and addresses a few concerns regarding user privacy. Installing this software update can protect you from hackers who can target you via some vulnerabilities within ...

Threat Actors Are Using Fake AI To Steal Business Data

Many business owners demand software featuring artificial intelligence for its productivity capabilities. Some hackers exploit this demand by publishing targeted Facebook advertisements to garner business data, using advanced digital marketing tools for ...

Tactics To Fight Distributed Spam Distraction and Protect Your Productivity

You check your inbox daily for important emails that help move your business operations forward. But what happens if you're the target of a distributed spam distraction attack? This common cyber threat ...


Automatic Framing Arrives for All Google Meet Users

Automatic Framing Arrives for All Google Meet Users

If there’s one thing that almost everyone can agree upon, looking good on video calls for work can o[...]
Preparing Organizations for AI: Strategies for Success

Preparing Organizations for AI: Strategies for Success

To anyone outside the technology field, the idea of artificial intelligence likely worries them abou[...]
Defending Against AI-Driven Phishing: Business Protection Strategies

Defending Against AI-Driven Phishing: Business Protection Strategies

Business leaders have an alarming new security risk to address: AI-driven phishing threats.  Surveys[...]



12180 South 300 East #133
Draper, UT 84020
(801) 483-8324


Since 2003, IT Fellows has been a leading provider of IT support and consulting, focusing on small and medium sized businesses in Salt Lake Valley, Park City and surrounding areas. We have helped hundreds of businesses increase productivity and profitability by making IT a streamlined part of operations. We equip our clients with customized technology solutions for greater operational value and to reduce risk.

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